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The Equality Trumpet

Striving for the voiceless to be heard  

Welcome to The Equality Trumpet online publication.

Equality Trumpet is published by Movement for the Promotion of Gender Equality in Liberia (MOPGEL), a non-governmental organization NGO established with the goal to fight inequality and injustic and create a gender balance society.

Equality Trumpet is MOPGEL's Human Rights, Gender,Environmental and HIV/Aids reporting project.

If you are skilled in the above areas and wish to volunteer with us, we welcome you. You can choose to volunteer with us in one of our offices Ghana or Liberia .

Email htogba@mopgel.org

MOPGEL is also seeking volunteer (s) organization (s) that will serve as trainers for its local volunteers in Ghana and Liberia in the following areas: Information Technology (IT), Environmental & Sanitation health education, Women, youth and disabled rights, Proposal writing, Photojournalists/ journalists are also needed.